Télévision Togolaise’s “A Planet for Us” highlights children’s rights on the ICDB


On this year’s ICDB, Télévision Togolaise’s children’s program, A Nous La Planete (A Planet for Us), aired stories that focused attention on children living on the streets who have little or no access to basic rights like food and education. Télévision Togolaise won an ICDB regional award last year. We received this summary from UNICEF Togo’s Essi Fafa Soulé.

“Hello dear friends!

This year we have chosen to talk about children who do not enjoy their rights in comparison to those whose rights are protected. We thought that the theme of ICDB this year is a great opportunity to attract the attention of adults on children who are working, who have no home to sleep, who are not enrolled [in school] and who are suffering physical and psychological violence and abuse.

This is especially [true for] children living on the streets and child porters. They work all day to get just enough to eat and that’s when their [food] is not stolen by thugs at night while they sleep. We were touched by their situation and we wanted to stop this disaster and let their cry of distress finally be heard!

As privileged children, this is the little contribution that we can give them, our support. And we hope that through our story, action will be taken to ensure that children are better protected in Togo. ”

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